Thursday 12 January 2017

Available Lessons

I am available for the private lessons Monday - Sunday, between 8am - 8pm. Please note that I am available for personal lessons only until 16th April 2017. Please contact me for more information. Thank you!

Friday 9 December 2016

Who is Engger Tutor?

I am a self-employed  private tutor of English (EFL) and German in Essex, United Kingdom. I teach all age groups, beginners, and intermediate levels. (A1,A2,B1,). If you are looking to improve your grammar, conversation, reading or writing skills in the foreign language, you just found the right person to help you. The lessons can be adapted to suit your needs.

In June 2013 I gained a qualification in teaching foreign languages: English language and 
literature, German language and literature (Masters Degree) at Comenius University in Slovakia.

Feb. 2013 to June 2013 - I worked as a Teacher in Mentor, n.o.,Talentino private leisure time centre in Slovakia, teaching pupils aged 6-10 As a student, I have been tutoring voluntarily in Slovakia since 2010.


To book a lesson, please contact me using the Contact form on the right

or text: 07599277488. 

Please include:
Your name, the language you would like to learn, your level (roughly- beginner or intermediate) and if you would like ONLINE or FACE to FACE lessons.

You can also write the day when you would like to have the first lesson, we will agree on time.

You CONTACT ME in English, German, Polish, Slovak or Czech, whichever is the most convenient for you.

Thursday 24 November 2016


Due to a growing demand of customers, I can only ensure the lesson slots which have been paid for in advance. This means that if you wish to book some lessons for the following week, these lessons need to be paid for upfront, at the time when you book them. (you can pay cash, by PayPal or online banking, the details will be provided on request.)

What am I paying for?

The price includes -The time spent travelling, the time spent preparing the lesson (which can be up to 60 minutes) and the lesson itself.

What if I need to cancel a lesson? 

If you need to cancel your lesson, please let me know as soon as possible – 24 hours before the lesson is due. The lesson will be rescheduled within the same week. No fee will be charged for this. However, if the notice is shorter than 24 hours and the lesson cannot be rescheduled within the same week, unfortunately, the lesson will be forfeited.

Can I get a refund for a lesson? 

If you cannot attend the booked lesson and do not wish to reschedule, you will get a refund  - half of what you paid for. (Example: you paid £13 for a lesson that you wish to cancel. You will be refunded £6.50

However, you need to let me know 24 hours before this lesson is due.If you cancel the lesson with a very short notice (less than 24 hours) or do not attend the lesson, no refund will be provided.

Monday 10 October 2016


Face-to-face or Online lessons: If you book a package of 10 lessons, the total price would be £130 ( £13 per hour). Lessons may be taken separately or 5 x 2 together.
The package C introduces some basic (or advanced, if required) grammar and rules in ENGLISH or GERMAN, improving your spelling, writing skills, your understanding of tenses, cases, articles...


Package C is suitable for both beginners and intermediate levels (A1, A2, B1). For the absolute beginners (A1) though, I would recommend at least 4 separate lessons focused on understanding the basic communication and vocabulary in the target foreign language. To see what level you are, click here, or have a first FREE lesson with me and I will estimate your level.

What will I learn/revise?

PACKAGE C for GERMAN learners:

If you choose the Package C, you will learn:
1. How to correctly use verbs ''BE'' and ''HAVE''
2.  How to make questions and negatives in German
3. Some basic information about German verbs and their position in the sentence
4. Articles in German, basic information
5.. How to express present in German
6.. How to express past in German
7.. How to express the future
8. Pronouns in German or how to say and use  ''Ich, mein, mich, mir...'' etc.
9. Imperative or how to give instructions in German
10. Modal verbs or how to express '' I can, I must, I want...''

PACKAGE C for ENGLISH learners:

If you choose the Package C, you will learn:
1. How to correctly use the verb ''BE'' in English
2. How to correctly use other verbs in English and Present Simple tense
3. Basic ways of expressing present in English, Present continuous tense
4. How to express past in English (simple)
5. What does it mean ''Present Perfect'' and why is this tense important
6. How to express future in English
7. Pronouns in English how to use ''my, myself, me...'' etc.
8. Imperative or how to give instructions in English
9. Articles in English
10. Basics about modals in English


If you decide to continue with your lessons, you can either book the ''Speaking'' Package B to practice your communication in the target language, or continue with more advanced separate grammar classes, or mixed grammar and speaking classes.

If you have decided to purchase the PACKAGE C, please BOOK IT HERE.
If you have decided to take separate lessons or another package, check the prices here. 



Face-to-face or Online lessons: If you book a package of 10 lessons, the total discount price would be £130 ( £13 per hour). Lessons may be taken separately or 5 x 2 together.

The package B helps you practice and improve your speaking skills and conversation, as well as vocabulary in ENGLISH or GERMAN


Package B is suitable for levels - A2 - B1.  For the absolute beginners -  level A1, I would recommend the basic grammar package first, or a few separate lessons focused on understanding the basic communication and vocabulary in the target foreign language. To see what level you are, click here, or have a first FREE lesson with me and I will estimate your level.


If you choose the package B, you will learn some new vocabulary and practice your speaking skills.

Topics covered:

1. Everyday routine, free time
2. Food, Cooking, Restaurants
3. Jobs and job interview
4. Shopping and services
5. Healthcare, visiting a doctor
6. Money and banks
7. Travelling
8. Living, Accommodation
9.  Family and relationships
10.  Communication (written, spoken, electronic)

The order in which you would like to take the lessons is up to you, they do not have to be taken in the order which is described in here.


If you decide to continue with your lessons, the topics will become more complex, we will talk about:
Fear, Beauty, Change, Nature and people, Technology, Culture and Art, Education, etc... And of course topics of your own choice.

You can, again, buy the PACKAGE B, so you still pay the discount price and the topics will change.

If you have decided to purchase the PACKAGE B, please BOOK IT HERE. 
If you have decided to purchase separate lessons or PACKAGE C, you can view the prices here. 

Wednesday 5 October 2016


Prosím prečítajte si nasledovné predtým než si zarezervujete hodinu


Kto je Engger Tutor? 
Som kvalifikovaná učiteľka anglického a nemeckého jazyka žijúca vo Veľkej Británii, kde súkromne doučujem na plný úväzok. Učím všetky vekové skupiny, začiatočníkov aj  pokročilých (A1,A2,B1 a B2 Aj). Či už máte záujem o gramatiku, konverzácie, alebo písomný prejav, Vaše hodiny dokážem prispôsobiť tak, aby ste sa cudzí jazyk učili čo najefektívnejšie.

V Júni 2013 som získala kvalifikáciu Magister v oblasti učiteľstva Anglického jazyka a literatúry a Nemeckého jazyka a literatúry (Mgr.) na Univerzite Komenského v Bratislave.

Koľko stoja lekcie?
Informácie o cenách nájdete tu. 

Ako môžem platiť?
** Všetky lekcie musia byť zaplatené vopred. O všetkých platbách dostanete potvrdenie.
Osobná hodina: Môžete platiť v hotovosti alebo na účet (platobné údaje na požiadanie).
Online hodiny: Iba platby na účet  (platobné údaje na vyžiadanie).

Kde môžem mať súkromné hodiny?
Lekcie môžete mať v pohodlí svojho domova, takže ušetríte čas na dochádzanie.  ** Učím osobne v oblasti Southend on Sea  a Rayleigh (prípadne Londýn pri rezervácii viacerích hodín za deň), alebo ponúkam lekcie cez Skype.

Kedy môžem mať súkromné hodiny?
V súčasnej dobe som k dispozícii všetky pracovné dni a víkendy, od 8:00 do 21:00. Každý študent si môže vybrať množstvo lekcií týždenne ktoré je pre nich najvhodnejšie. Môžete si rezervovať hodiny v rovnaký deň a čas každý týždeň, (odporúčam kedže váš časový úsek bude zaistený a nemôže byť obsadený iným študentom) alebo sa obráťte na mňa telefonicky, e-mailom alebo na Facebook-u a naplánujte si lekcie každý týždeň - prosím dajte mi vedieť najneskôr v nedelu večer alebo pondelok ráno.

Čo ak potrebujem zrušiť hodinu?
Ak musíte zrušiť svoju lekciu, dajte mi prosím vedieť čo najskôr - najneskôr 4 hodiny pred začatím lekcie. Lekcia bude presunutá na iný termín bez poplatkov.

Dostanem späť peniaze  za zrušenú hodinu?
Ak sa nemôžete zúčastniť rezervovanej lekcie a neželáte si ju presunúť, dostanete späť celú zaplatenú sumu. Je však nutné, aby ste mi v tomto prípade dali  vedieť 24 hodín vopred.
Ak zrušíte lekciu vo veľmi krátkom čase (menej ako 24 hodín) alebo sa na ňu nedostavíte, lekcia vám bohužiaľ prepadne.

Ak máte akékoľvek ďalšie otázky, neváhajte ma kontaktovať

Phone: 07599277488, 

Prices and Packages

FACE -TO-FACE Lessons: I currently charge £15 per hour (60 minutes) per person. (This is the price for learners in Southend on Sea. The price can be £1-£2 higher if there is a need to cover travelling expenses and time.)

ONLINE (SKYPE) LESSONS: I charge £15 per hour (60 minutes) per person.

 GROUP Lessons (2 students) = only £8 per Person per 60 minutes.

Discounts and Packages: *1st Lesson is FREE for both Online and Face-to-face lessons.

Package A: Face-to-face lessons only: If you take a package of 2 lessons together, the total price will be £28 ( £14 per hour). Lessons must be taken together.

Package B (Practice Speaking) and Package C (Grammar boost)

Face-to-face or Online lessons: If you book a package of 10 lessons, the total price will be £130 ( £13 per hour). Lessons may be taken separately or 5 x 2 together.

The package B helps you practice and improve your speaking skills and conversation, as well as vocabulary in ENGLISH or GERMAN

The package C introduces some basic (or advanced, if required) grammar and rules in ENGLISH or GERMAN, improving your spelling, writing skills, your understanding of tenses, cases, articles...